Picture 039Introducing our new Calving Pen System

 The Calving Pen Mattress System results in greater efficiencies in the calving pen by offering a wall-to-wall comfort to freshening cows and calves, cleaner conditions for mothers and calves, and less labor for your hired hands. These cows and calves are the future of your herd and deserve a soft, low stress, and clean environment to give birth and recuperate.


Using our proven memory foam mattress and premium Alloy Topcover, we are using proven products to create a better calving experience for you and your cows. Custom fitted to your calving stall, nothing works harder to softer than the Superstall Calving Pen system.


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  • Body-hugging, bounce-back memory foam provides maximum cushioning for hocks and knees.
  • Engineered to remain “permanently soft”.
  • Encourages maximum lying time for improved nutrient utilization and milk production.
  • Balanced core for ideal combination of softness and firmness.
  • Inert foam resists bacteria growth.
  • Waterproof, easy-to-clean rubber top cover with tightly-woven substrate.
  • Easy to install.
  • Five-year warranty.


Substantially lower your calf pen management costs by decreasing, and possibly eliminating, bedding costs. Less labor is needed to maintain the stall, leaving more time to care for cow and calf.
The Calving Pen System is meant to be a helpful tool to dairymen and make their operations more robust and sustainable for future generations of both family and cows. Instead of firing up the skid-steer and mechanically removing the bedding, the mattress system can be sprayed down with a pressure washer and even sanitized with a mild bleach solution to improve hygienic conditions and reduce infection rates.

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